Your Government Invests for you…whether you want it to or not!

September 18, 2008

Capitol Hill cannot balance a budget, what makes our politicians think they can act on taxpayers’ behalf as an investment agent?  Now the bailouts are rescues, and the American Citizen is garnished with the title of investor, in an economy where corporate mismanagement and crime run amok.  The garnishing is just that, to prepare one for total consumption.  Are we not seeing an incredibly disturbing pattern here?  The insult to injury is that people whose retirement hangs in the balance of AIG’s incompetence are the same people who are expected to flip the $85 billion bill to keep it alive.

We must keep it alive though…it is critical to our economy.  Neglecting our collective duty to pitch in and rescue AIG—or the mortgage finance market for that matter—would be not only negligent, but also unpatriotic.  So, where does accountability come in?  The Private Citizen, that underdog with the superpower to save the day by forking out her hard earned cash through tax levies, is the one accountable—holding that bag of (you know what) that politicians keep throwing her way.


Yet, do not fear, we know that this 80% commitment (the equity stake) will ultimately render a high yield for our investing taxpayer.  Is that so?  When may we expect our dividends?  Will they come via another $600 tax rebate next year, or the year after that, or in a decade, or our lifetime—after our children pay off the war debt?  We the People…people…pawns.